Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Thinking About Dear Abby

So, I read where Dear Abby had printed reader responses to what they think are society’s greatest problems.

But here’s what I’m thinking:

I’m thinking that one of our big problems is our blind trust in the phrase “common sense”. You don’t have to hang out with people very long to know that what’s really common is the lacking thereof. So, to avoid continual disappointment, the phrase should be updated to “rare sense” or “uncommon non-nonsense”. It should even be a required course in school, but I doubt we’d be able to find enough people qualified to teach it.

I’m thinking another of our biggest problems is that we are no longer holding such a high standard in the Golden Rule department. Countless examples of our doing unto others is showing that apparently we would desire having some very rotten things done unto us. We must think we deserve this unkind treatment, or we haven’t consciously realized we’re just beginning to enjoy it. So the problem is either that we’ve got esteem issues or we’ve turned into a bunch of closet masochists.

Also, I’m thinking there’s a huge societal problem relating to human physiology. Being angered causes adrenaline to flow through your body. This gives you lots and lots of energy to act on all of your bad moods. So go ahead and blame God. Or evolution. You now have a choice.

But I’m thinking that the absolute biggest problem of society is people spending too much time reading blogs posted by some of the stupidest people in the world. But there I incriminate myself. Masochistic tendencies or just low self-esteem?