Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thinking About Illegal Aliens

So, I’m sitting around watching science fiction. Other people spend time thinking about space contact and you know the stuff they usually think.

But here’s what I’m thinking:

I’m not thinking that the aliens aren’t out there. They are. Because if God’s even half as disappointed in this planet as we are, He’s probably had another go at it. Hell, it only takes Him a week. I’m just thinking that they’re not coming. Well, they’re not coming here anyway.

I’m thinking that on those planets having space travel and all, they’d do the research first, long trip like that. But when aliens look us up on their ETravel site, Earth will undoubtedly come with a huge warning sign: The End of the World Is Near (*date to be determined, method debatable). It really just makes good sense for them to avoid us. So they do.

Then I’m thinking there’s got to be a bunch of planets where Eve never did eat that damned apple. That stinkin’ Eve. (Sorry, I can’t let anything go - I’m still bitter about how that Garden of Eden stuff all turned out.) Anyhow, those guys definitely aren’t leaving Paradise. To go anywhere. Ever.

Either way, don’t hold your breath in expectation. If you want a strange visitor at your house, invite an Earthling.