Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Thinking About Changing Beliefs

So, there have been outcries that Barack Obama has reneged on his policy of change for America. I guess they’re thinking that, now that he’s won, old-school political agendas will just naturally kick in, and we won’t really be seeing any big differences with this administration.

But here’s what I’m thinking:

I’m thinking that sooner or later some politico will suggest that the name “White House” be changed for political correctness purposes. Or campaign to have the outside re-painted, adding plenty of chocolate trimwork.

I’m thinking Barack Obama will probably be the first President spotted sporting a bulletproof do-rag. Knock-offs may be risky in their ability to prevent the kind of firearm damage Mr. Obama may attract, but I predict they will still enjoy a strong secondary market in neighborhoods prone to drive-bys.

But most of all, I’m thinking that I wouldn’t be surprised if this inauguration we’ll be hearing “Hail to the Chief” set to a hip-hop beat for the first time. There may even be plans for a gangsta-themed inaugural ball.