Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Thinking About the L-Word

So, John McCain was the loser and we now have a Democrat in the White House. Most of the voters are thinking he lost only because of the public’s bad opinion of the last Republican administration.

But here’s what I’m thinking:

I’m thinking it was McCain’s proud use of his war record that backfired on him. Like others, and you know who you are, I watch too many movies and TV programs to have a complete grip on reality. I want a President who can get out of a jam like Indiana Jones when faced with hundreds of Nazis, or like MacGyver who, with only a paper clip and some spit, can escape the deadliest of prisons. Getting captured sort of ruins the hero soldier image. Hell, it does damage to the barely-competent soldier image. Even Beetle Bailey didn’t get caught.

I’m thinking that the leader of our nation should be someone with a stronger constitution than most. It becomes a real necessity after the inauguration, when the top advisors start letting them in on how many conspiracy theories are not just urban legend. John McCain probably lost a lot of votes for the Presidency because of the worry that he might stroke out when they showed him the aliens in Area 51.

But most of all I’m thinking that John McCain’s biggest mistake was with his pick for second-in-command. With MRSA running rampant, McCain likely wouldn’t survive more than a few trips to the hospital. That would have left Palin in charge. That’s almost as scary as the knowledge that Hillary is now fourth in line for the seat. McCain probably should have chosen Charlie Crist as his running mate. With his fetish for overusing the tanning booths, old Chuck could have given Obama a run for the black vote.