Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Thinking About Distributing the Wealth

So, the Government is devising careful plans for handing out more money to save the economy. I guess they’re thinking that they’re passing the bucks to all the right people.

But here’s what I’m thinking:

I’m thinking, instead of throwing around mega-dollars to fix the economy, the government should take a lesson from Robin Hood and hijack some money from the irresponsible rich. It should be easy, as the rich are so rich they can afford to be incredibly stupid with their money. They’re the reason Ponzi schemes and other types of investment scams were invented. Because they work. And if someone is going to bilk rich Americans out of their money, it should be the American government.

I’m also thinking that the government money should just go directly to poor people. Especially now, as so much of us are, helping us would give a certain political administration approval ratings to beat the band. And there will be no hoarding the money for us. We will spend every cent we get, like every paycheck we’ve ever had, dutifully injecting all that lovely money right back into the economy.

But most of all I’m thinking that Barack Obama has already stumbled into a brilliant plan to fill the Treasury’s coffers into the next century. But guilting his cabinet nominees into ponying up their past due IRS payments is only a small step in the right direction. We should investigate all the politicians. I have a sneaky suspicion that the Democrats alone could have America out of hock by mid-April.