Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thinking About Bill and Hill

So, I see that Hillary Clinton won’t be making it to the Presidency this year, even though she is still getting more press than John McCain. Many people are thinking that her loss was because of the issues.

But here’s what I’m thinking:

I’m thinking that one of her problems with this campaign is that she kept getting caught when telling lies. Using Bill as a coach in this area was not a good choice, but love is blind. Remember, she was the one who thought him especially believable when he did not have sex with that woman. Of course, that’s probably only based on how she defines sex. And, no, we won’t be using the Freedom of Information Act to find out what that is.

I’m thinking that she did not do her best in the campaign because she was continually distracted by visions of her hidden agenda which can only be revenge. She must want very badly to have her turn at adulterous oral stimulation in the Oval Office. There is no other way to explain the combination of her staying married to Bill Clinton and her zealous, never-say-die determination to get back into the White House.

I’m also thinking that she should have been spending her campaign money more wisely, like on liposuction and a facelift. A better plan for her election would have been to divorce Bill and marry herself a nice rich oil sheikh. Getting gas prices back to a dollar a gallon could have clinched the election for her. Of course, we’d probably even elect Osama Bin Laden if he could do that. But would that knowledge make the winning any less sweet for her?

But most of all, I’m thinking that what really lost her the election is the thought of Bill Clinton filling the traditional spousal role around the White House. I keep picturing the White House redone in Early American Brothel and the Inaugural Ball photos shot with the dignitaries grouped around the stripper poles.

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Thinking About Fear

So, I’m learning a lot of surprising things about political campaigns this year. In fact, I was very surprised to learn that the Republicans were thinking a clever campaign strategy would be to figure out how to extend a proper invitation for terrorists to pay another visit to the United States before this November.

Yikes! But here’s what I’m thinking:

I’m thinking that a better political strategy would be to hire the terrorists to simply assassinate the other candidate. I wonder which party will have that on their strategy list first? They need to make sure to add a spousal-inclusion clause. With the proven election success of widows, it’s the only way to make the race a sure bet.

I’m thinking that since praying for a terror attack would be a clear violation of the principle which separates church and state, campaigners will have to rely on using the secrets of the movie “The Secret” to lure the terrorists here to kill us. We should check to see if the DVD is listed as one of Oprah’s campaign donations. Of course, for all we know, our campaign funds could already be payrolling the entire al-Qaeda staff. We better check their website’s domain real fast to see if it ends in dot-gov. And someone should research Osama Bin Laden. I bet his name will pop up as a registered member of the Screen Actor’s Guild.

I’m thinking that next time, let’s boycott the election, pool our campaign donations together and use them to fix something: rebuild New Orleans, offset the price of gas, fund Social Security, or find a personnel agency that can actually find us a damn job. It would be something new, we could actually succeed in fulfilling a campaign promise. We can name it the American Non-Contribution Initiative for Freedom from Election Campaigns At Last. The ANTI-FECAL movement for short.

I’m also thinking that, previously, I thought terror was when your gas tank was empty, or that you had to fly commercially, or worrying that your next “group homeless feeding” may be canceled. But now I truly understand the meaning. In fact, in no time the definition of terror will be changed in the dictionary. The picture beside it will be updated to show the White House.

But most of all, I’m thinking that we should round up all the politicians and send them over to Guantanamo Bay to pay for their crimes of terror. Water boarding won’t work as they’re impossible to drown. They have alternate ways to breathe from years of practice of talking out their asses. We’ll have to find something to really torture them. Make them re-lick the already-licked yogurt tops sent in for the Yoplait Breast Cancer Campaign.

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